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In Colombia, urban Zenú indigenous communities are not fully recognized and do therefore not receive the same rights and support as rural indigenous peoples. As part of the long-term goal of getting better rights a collaboration has been established between the Zenú community ‘20 de Julio’ in Cartagena, the local NGO ‘Fundación por la Educación Multidimensional’ and two sustainable design engineer students at AAU CPH. The objective of this multicultural design project has been to facilitate the organization of a working group around designing a product of caña flecha and creating a strategy for the future of a company selling this product. The project is based on the principles of ‘designing with people’ through co-design workshops. The outcome is a lampshade design under the name NINHA which incorporates the traditional patterns of the Zenú culture and is produced by a working group consisting of members from the community.

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