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17: Buying the sewing machines

The crowdfunding was very successfull and we managed to collect enough money to buy two sewing machines. The machines were found by Wilfrido and it was arranged that the seller would come to the next community meeting and demonstrate the machines.

It was important that some community members also got to try the machines to make sure they were right for them and the task of sewing caña flecha. Thus, strips of woven caña flecha was brought and the machines were tested. It was also important that all community members were part of deciding whether to buy the machines and how much they would be willing to pay for them. No members of the community could thus be held responsible if the machines were not good enough or broke at a later time. The decision was made by vote and it was decided that with maintenance done by the seller the machines would be good enough for the task.

The logo was inspired by an unfinished strip of caña flecha: what the strip looks like before it wis woven into a circle and sewn together with other circles to form the lampshade. The name was inspired by this text about an old Zenú story. The details of the logo was decided upon together with the community by discussing and voting on four different versions of the logo.

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