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6: Initial Meeting with Artisans

Last week we had an initial meeting with the urban artisans in Cartagena. We went to the community with FEM founder Ana Maria. The meeting was an informal gathering, sitting in a circle at a small square in the neighborhood. The aim of the meeting was a match of expectations between FEM, the artisans and us. Ana Maria told the artisans about us, and how we can help them develop their crafts. As Wilfrido, the link between the artisans and us, expressed his gratitude for our help, it was important for us and Ana Maria to explain that the artisans are the experts. Our function will be to facilitate the design process with our knowledge about participatory design methods, so that we in collaboration can improve their products for an international market.

According to Ana Maria, the interest from the community members was good - people were more active in the debate than what she usually experiences. At the end of the meeting it was decided to meet every tuesday and thursday between 6pm and 8pm, in order for as many artisans to be participating as possible. Ana Maria put a lot of effort in telling the artisans that it is very important that they are ready at 6pm - as we have experienced it in our last month in Colombia, a meeting time is not always something to count on, and since the meetings have to be held so late in the day, it is important that meeting times are followed.

We see the lack of light in the community as a challenge when we are going to have the workshops, this is something we need to work around if the light is too limited. Another challenge will be the language barrier - our spoken Spanish is not yet at a level where we feel comfortable conducting a worshop and the English of the Zenú community members likewise.

Picture taken at the meeting - Wilfrido in the middle

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