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To plan a workshop

The last couple of weeks have very tumultuous in matter of hosting our workshops with the Zenú community. Sickness, carnival in Cartagena, troubles in the nabourhood and other occupations have been some of the challenges we have been dealing with in order to do our workshops.

Thuesday November 24th 2015, we had a meeting with the Zenú community. FEM's founder Ana Maria was participating in the meeting. It was very important for us to communicate for the community that we only have limited time left, and that is was very important that the following workshops would happen. It was agreed at the meeting that the following Friday, Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday was going to be workshop days. Ana Maria pointed out for the community the importance of them to participate in the following workshops since this is a big oppertunity for them.

We decided to have a workshop the following friday.

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